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Introduction to Academic Legal WritingUniversity of CopenhagenThe course is designed for PhD students who have recently embarked upon their doctoral studies. It aims to assist PhD students in developing their academic writing skills. The course will address general issues on how to write a PhD thesis – be it in monograph or research article based form – focussing on structure, reasoning, clarity of the language, vocabulary, importance of editing and proofreading, referencing, etc. Additionally, it will provide guidance on preparing an academic piece for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The course will also address the formal evaluation criteria and rules for the final PhD thesis in order to better inform students regarding what is expected of them when preparing their final dissertations. Programme
Time29 February – 2 March 2016 VenueECTS3 ECTS for participating in a two-day course programme (Nordic/Danish track or international track); submitting the required written assignment prior to the start of the course (see due date above) and reading the required material in advance. NB! PhD students who take part in a three-day course programme (both tracks), submit the written assignment, and read the required material will be granted 4 ECTS. Course organiserAny questions about the PhD course may be directed to Associate Professor Iryna Marchuk (+45 35 32 45 19 or ima@jur.ku.dk). Maximum no. of participants50 Signing upPlease sign up by filling in this form Practical detailsA compilation of reading material will be distributed to participants 4 weeks before the starting date for the course. Students should ensure that they have read and are familiar with the reading material by the start of the course. Additionally, course participants are expected to submit a one-page summary outlining what subject their final PhD thesis will address. These summaries should be sent to Iryna.Marchuk@jur.ku.dk by 1 February 2016 at the latest. The course will offer presentations by distinguished academics specialized in the field of law, who are affiliated with Danish and international academic institutions, and will address various aspects of academic legal writing. |